Dont Skimp On Digital Camera Accessories

A digital camera is nothing without all the other accessories that allows it to perform superbly. The memory card is the most important addition you can make to a digital camera, but a soft camera case is also very handy to have around as it will protect your camera from damage.

1. Camera Cases

A soft camera case costs $10 to 20 but it can protect your camera from damage caused by dropping or careless handling. Those who travel a lot should buy a strong camera bag for further protection.

2. Cleaning Kit

A cleaning kit is a great investment for your digital camera. You should never clean any optics of your camera using your shirt, fingers, water or breath. The kit, that costs a few dollars, includes a small blower brush, a soft cloth, a small plastic bottle containing the lens cleaning solution and a number of lens cleaning tissues.

3. Tripod

Another accessory is a tripod, that is needed to prevent camera shake especially when the shutter speed drops below 1/60 second at a wide angle shot. Some digital cameras are equipped with an LCD monitor, that flashes a blinking light as a warning when the shutter speed is likely to cause a camera shake. A tripod is necessary when you are too close to the object in macro photography.

4. Batteries

It is also advisable to buy a spare set of rechargeable batteries. This saves you the embarrassment of getting stuck with drained out batteries during the middle of a photo shoot. Rechargeable batteries last longer, and save you the bother of hunting for battery stores in desolate places.

5. Battery Charger

Batteries from the store will typically only last 30 minutes inside a digital camera – you will need NiMH batteries if you want to be able to take more pictures. These batteries carry a higher charge. Never attempt to charge NiMH batteries in a charger that wasn’t designed for NiMH batteries – you could ruin your batteries – or worse – start a fire and burn your house down.

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