Wireless charging has become increasingly popular in recent years, but sometimes it can be frustrating to find a charger that fits your specific needs. Luckily, making your own custom wireless charger is easier than you might think. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to create a wireless charger with a cooling fan.

1. Gather your materials

To make your custom wireless charger, you’ll need a few key materials. These include a wireless charging pad, a USB fan, a USB cable, a soldering iron, and some wire cutters.

2. Disassemble the USB fan

The first step is to take apart the USB fan. Use your wire cutters to snip off the fan blades and remove the casing. You should be left with the fan motor and the wires that connect it to the USB port.

3. Solder the wires to the charging pad

Next, you’ll need to solder the wires from the fan motor to the charging pad. Use your soldering iron to carefully connect the positive and negative wires from the fan to the corresponding contacts on the charging pad. Be sure to double-check your work to make sure everything is securely connected.

4. Mount the fan to the charging pad

Once the wires are connected, you can mount the fan to the charging pad. You can use hot glue or double-sided tape to attach the fan motor to the charging pad. Make sure the fan is securely in place and won’t move around.

5. Connect the USB cable

Finally, you’ll need to connect the USB cable to the charging pad. Plug one end of the cable into the USB port on the charging pad, and the other end into a power source. Your custom wireless charger with a cooling fan is now ready to use!

In conclusion, creating your own custom wireless charger with a cooling fan is a fun and easy DIY project. With just a few materials and some basic soldering skills, you can customize your charging experience to meet your exact needs. Give it a try and see how much more convenient and efficient your wireless charging can be!

Wireless charging has become more and more popular in recent years, allowing you to charge your devices without the need for cords and cables. However, wireless charging can generate a lot of heat, which can damage your devices over time. To solve this problem, you can create a custom wireless charger with a cooling fan. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to make your own custom wireless charger with a cooling fan.

Materials Needed:

– Wireless charging coil

– 5V DC fan

– Heat sink

– Power source (USB cable or power bank)

– Hot glue gun

– Soldering iron

– Solder wire

– Wire cutters

– Wire strippers

Step 1: Prepare the Wireless Charging Coil

The first step is to prepare the wireless charging coil. You can purchase a wireless charging coil online or salvage one from an old wireless charger. Once you have the coil, use wire cutters to remove any excess wire and strip the ends of the wires.

Step 2: Prepare the Cooling Fan

Next, prepare the cooling fan. You can purchase a 5V DC fan online or salvage one from an old computer. Once you have the fan, use wire cutters to remove any excess wire and strip the ends of the wires.

Step 3: Solder the Wires

Now it’s time to solder the wires. First, solder the wires from the wireless charging coil to the wires from the cooling fan. Make sure to solder the positive wire from the charging coil to the positive wire of the fan, and the negative wire from the charging coil to the negative wire of the fan. Use a soldering iron and solder wire to make the connections.

Step 4: Attach the Heat Sink

Attach the heat sink to the wireless charging coil. The heat sink will help dissipate the heat generated during charging. Apply a small amount of hot glue to the bottom of the heat sink and place it on top of the wireless charging coil.

Step 5: Connect the Power Source

Connect the power source to the wireless charger. You can use a USB cable or a power bank as the power source. Connect the positive and negative wires from the power source to the positive and negative wires of the wireless charging coil.

Step 6: Test the Wireless Charger

Finally, test the wireless charger to make sure it’s working properly. Place your device on the charging coil and make sure it’s charging. You should also feel air blowing from the cooling fan, which indicates that it’s working properly.


Making your own custom wireless charger with a cooling fan is a great way to protect your devices from heat damage while charging. With the right materials and a little bit of soldering, you can create a wireless charger that works just as well as a store-bought one. Follow this step-by-step guide to create your own custom wireless charger with a cooling fan today!

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